Bump Boobs Babi

Infant feed­ing sup­port and tongue tie divi­sion in South Wales

Areas of Expertise

Baby breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Support

Here for you through­out your breast­feed­ing jour­ney. Weight gain issues? Strug­gling with latch­ing? Want to wean off the breast? We’re here to help.

Bottle feeding

Bottle & Mixed Feeding Support

Bottle feed­ing? Mixed feed­ing? We know this isn’t always a simple choice for new moth­ers. So we’re here to sup­port you how­ever you are feed­ing your baby.

Baby face

Tongue Tie Division

Tongue tie can make feed­ing chal­len­ging, espe­cially early on. We can assess this con­di­tion, sup­port you with feed­ing and divide the tie if necessary.

About Our Clinics

Our clin­ic is in Risca, South Wales just out­side of New­port.  A friendly town with good park­ing, access­ible from most of South Wales and Bris­tol. We look for­ward to see­ing you there. 

Who Are We?

Bump Boobs Babi was set up by Helen Rop­er, a lacta­tion con­sult­ant (IBCLC) and mid­wife to sup­port new par­ents in South Wales and beyond. 

Ini­tially provid­ing infant feed­ing sup­port and tongue tie divi­sion. We will soon be offer­ing antenat­al work­shops and oth­er ser­vices so you can be pre­pared how­ever you hope to feed your baby. 

What Our Clients Say

My wife and I were get­ting con­flict­ing mes­sages from vari­ous mid­wives regard­ing wheth­er our son was tongue tied, so we decided to seek spe­cial­ist opin­ion. Helen was out­stand­ing. She calmly assessed our son, explained the options and com­pletely put our minds at rest.

The pro­ced­ure was straight­for­ward and quick and Helen made every effort to remove stress from both mum and dad, and baby. After the pro­ced­ure she gave expert advice on breast­feed­ing and fol­lowed up a few days later to check everything was ok. Our son’s feed­ing has improved and his weight has returned to with­in a nor­mal range. I could not recom­mend Helen and her clin­ic enough.

Patrick Watt

Book Your Appointment

If you have ques­tions or con­cerns about feed­ing your new baby, don’t delay. Put your mind at rest by bookng an appoint­ment today!