About Bump Boobs Babi

Who are you?

Helen RoperI am Helen Rop­er. I qual­i­fied as a mid­wife in 2005, which feels like a very long time ago. Even while I was a stu­dent mid­wife I knew I wanted to spe­cial­ise in infant feed­ing, spend­ing hours in the breast­feed­ing clin­ic and in 2010 I qual­i­fied as an Inter­na­tion­al board cer­ti­fied lacta­tion con­sult­ant (IBCLC) which is the gold stand­ard in lacta­tion sup­port. I went onto work as the Infant feed­ing lead mid­wife at the Roy­al Free Hos­pit­al in Lon­don for eight years before hav­ing my own chil­dren and more recently train­ing as a tongue tie prac­ti­tion­er. I still work as a com­munity mid­wife sev­er­al days a month. I find the fam­il­ies I work with have been my greatest teach­ers in infant feed­ing and par­ent­ing and I love help­ing fam­il­ies reach their feed­ing goals.

Hav­ing my own chil­dren cer­tainly broadened by infant feed­ing exper­i­ence. My first daugh­ter Rumer had tri­somy 18 and spent most of her short life in hos­pit­al, She was tube fed (both NG and G tube) and was nev­er able to take bottle or breast. I spent a lot of time pump­ing, not ter­ribly suc­cess­fully because as I later dis­covered I had a phys­ic­al con­di­tion caus­ing low sup­ply and she also had donor milk. I mixed-fed my sub­sequent two chil­dren using breast, bottles and a sup­ple­ment­ary nurs­ing sys­tem at the breast. Both breast­fed into tod­dler­hood and the young­est is still going!  It gave me lots of exper­i­ence in early weight loss, low sup­ply, mixed feed­ing, using for­mula, express­ing… Both my chil­dren had tongue ties and we chose to divide my daugh­ter­’s but not my son’s.

Why Bump Boobs Babi?

I wanted a name that reflec­ted what we did, We sup­port fam­il­ies through preg­nancy, breast­feed­ing and baby care. Babi is the Welsh for baby.

What Our Clients Say

My wife and I were getting conflicting messages from various midwives regarding whether our son was tongue tied, so we decided to seek specialist opinion. Helen was outstanding. She calmly assessed our son, explained the options and completely put our minds at rest.

The procedure was straightforward and quick and Helen made every effort to remove stress from both mum and dad, and baby. After the procedure she gave expert advice on breastfeeding and followed up a few days later to check everything was ok. Our son’s feeding has improved and his weight has returned to within a normal range. I could not recommend Helen and her clinic enough.

Patrick Watt

Book Your Appointment

If you have questions or concerns about feeding your new baby, don't delay. Put your mind at rest by bookng an appointment today!