Patient Privacy Policy

How we handle you and your baby’s personal data

Per­son­al data includes inform­a­tion such as your name, date of birth, address, as well as your med­ic­al his­tory etc.

At Bump Boobs Babi

  1. We col­lect the min­im­um amount of data from you, we need to provide safe care for you and your baby.
  2. We store this data securely on a digit­al sys­tem. Only author­ized per­sons have access to it. Those people will have had data pro­tec­tion train­ing and will keep your inform­a­tion confidential.
  3. We use your data only 
    1. To provide agreed care to you and your baby
    2. To audit our ser­vices. Most audits use anonym­ized data but we may con­tact you to ask your opin­ion of our ser­vices. If you wish to opt out of this or anonym­ized audit at any point, please let us know either in per­son or by con­tact­ing us via email or phone.
    3. Mar­ket­ing com­mu­nic­a­tions from us which you can opt out of at any point. We keep these to the minimum.
  1. We keep data for the min­im­um peri­od neces­sary. For your baby’s med­ic­al notes this will be until their 25th birthday.
  2. You or your baby may access the data we hold on you at any time by mak­ing a request to us. We may need to con­firm your identity.
  3. You can ask us to cor­rect any errors in the data we hold about you or your baby
  4. You have the right to request eras­ure of the data we hold about you. How­ever, for leg­al reas­ons we can­not erase med­ic­al notes as we are obliged to main­tain them until your baby is 25.

We will not share data with oth­er people or organ­isa­tions without your spe­cif­ic con­sent unless there is a risk of sig­ni­fic­ant harm to an indi­vidu­al. In this case we will usu­ally ask your con­sent first but may still need to share even if you do not give consent.

Please con­firm your con­sent to our col­lect­ing, stor­ing and using your data in accord­ance with the above principles. 

What Our Clients Say

My wife and I were getting conflicting messages from various midwives regarding whether our son was tongue tied, so we decided to seek specialist opinion. Helen was outstanding. She calmly assessed our son, explained the options and completely put our minds at rest.

The procedure was straightforward and quick and Helen made every effort to remove stress from both mum and dad, and baby. After the procedure she gave expert advice on breastfeeding and followed up a few days later to check everything was ok. Our son’s feeding has improved and his weight has returned to within a normal range. I could not recommend Helen and her clinic enough.

Patrick Watt

Book Your Appointment

If you have questions or concerns about feeding your new baby, don't delay. Put your mind at rest by bookng an appointment today!